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6.3 Case Study

6.3 Case Study

Q Overview The on-demand economy is certainly alive and well, both domestically in the U.S. and globally as well. We live in a time when mobile E-commerce is shaping both the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) marketplaces. Today it is a common activity for shoppers and commercial buyers to access Internet websites utilizing mobile smartphones or tablets to purchase a product or order a service. Consumers frequently use their smart devices to conduct research as a preamble to visiting a brick and mortar store before purchasing a product or ordering a service. Legacy brick-and-mortar companies have had to get on board the 'online shopping bandwagon' in order to stay competitive. Case Study Assignment Download and utilize the APA Style Template (DOCX) Download APA Style Template (DOCX) and review the Case Study Requirements section. Conduct research on ONE of the following technology trends that influence today's on-demand economy mobile E-commerce and compose a scholarly case study paper that provides details on the topic. • Location-Based Marketing • Mobile Retargeting • Virtual and Augmented Reality on Mobile • Mobile SEO • Chatbots, AI, Shopping Assistants • Internet of Things (IoT) Follow the guidelines in the Case Study Requirements section. Your document submission is due by the posted due date. Your instructor will use the 6.3 Case Study Rubric for evaluating and grading your submission. Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters. This assessment aligns with Module Objective 2 and Learning Outcome 5.

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With Today’s advance technology we have everything easily available within a short amount of time. And half of the reason things are so quick and easily available is because of Mobile E Commerce. “Mobile e-commerce (m-commerce) is a term that describes online sales transactions that use wireless electronic devices such as hand-held computers, mobile phones or laptops -Techopedia)” In Business to business markets, the buyers, sellers, and transaction involve only organizations. “B2B compromise about 85 percent of e-commerce dollar volume. And by using B2B organizations can restructure their supply chains and partnership relationship. B2B e-commerce websites are used by hundreds of thousands of companies.